45,00 €

Ei varastossa
Kysy saatavuus:
  • Myrkytön, ihoystävällinen, kasvipohjainen koostumus
  • Glutamiini kasvattaa lihasten glykogeenivarastoja ja
    edistää palautumista
Fed up with feeling tired and having muscle aches and pains after intense sport? Amino Recovery Balm revives, reconditions and freshens your body whilst providing a gentle cooling sensation! Our unique formula will calm, relax and rejuvenate your body to help regeneration and boost energy levels using the amino acid Glutamine which is the most abundant amino acid in the muscle cells.

During training and competition the supplies of intramuscular glutamine fall, the muscle cell volume declines and muscle degradation occurs which can lead to muscle pains. Glutamine increases glycogen storage and hydrates muscle cells. This increases protein synthesis and energy metabolism which in turn helps improve the body's regeneration process. Glutamine supplementation plays an important role in supporting recovery, increasing muscle cell volume and preventing muscle degradation.

Tuotekoodi: 337-S

Valmistaja: Muc-Off

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Riittävästi tehoa ja avustettuja kilometrejä


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